Sex Education and the Sri Lankan Female
Sindhu De Livera
We live in a
harsh world full of realities few are willing to face. Sex crimes are the
norm but sex is a taboo topic in almost every circle of society. The common
idea is that sex is dirty, crude, and therefore inappropriate for public
discussion. Those who speak about it openly are labelled “corrupted” or
“ill-bred”. Regardless, the matter remains: females are at great
risk by remaining oblivious to this knowledge. They are more susceptible to
sexual predators when their knowledge on such a vital topic is limited. How is
one to protect one’s self from something if one does not know the basic
concepts related to it?
Since the
topic is a somewhat awkward one, parents are hesitant to enlighten their
children and assume that the school authorities will do it for them; it might
be covered in the health science syllabus. Surely, parents think, it is the
teacher’s duty to give this education at some point? Also, according to most
parents, their children are too young to know anyway.
Teachers on
the other hand are also embarrassed by the topic, and find the task of speaking
about such a sensitive topic to a room full of giggling students daunting. The
topic is rushed through, with a very hazy knowledge finally given to the
In this
education- what little of it is received- an integral section is overlooked for
cultural and religious reasons: contraception. The idea stressed upon is
complete and utter abstinence; clearly an impractical one judging by the number
of unwed mothers and illegal abortions being performed in Sri Lanka. The
writer is not against abstinence being advocated; however it would be
incredibly foolish not to teach protection as well since it can assist in
avoiding most, if not all, of the issues arising out of unprotected sexual activity.
One main
argument against creating awareness among minors about contraceptive methods is
the notion that minors are more likely to engage in sexual activity, should
they be furnished with this knowledge.
according to Dr. Jennifer Ashton, a teen health expert and the author of a book
on this topic, “the data clearly shows if you give teenagers all the
information, they are, in fact, less likely to engage in sex or premature
reproductive behaviour than if they're only taught selectively about things
like abstinence. If they are not taught about birth control, they are more
likely to get into trouble”. Educators and parents alike should take heed of
this information and take measures to integrate the topic of contraception into
their discussions positively.
It is
heartening to note that in the recent camps the new undergraduates to Sri
Lankan universities attended, sex education and contraception was extensively
discussed. Although the writer commends this, it must be noted that most
of the attendees were learning of these topics comprehensively from a
legitimate source for the very first time. Staving off this topic until the
students are at the end of their school education is unacceptable; there are
countless incidents where girls as young as 12 have made the mistake of having
unprotected sex and have had to deal with the consequences.
this need for knowledge about contraception applies not only to youth but to
those who are married as well, as shown in an UNFPA publication on Sri Lanka -
a majority of illegal abortions in Sri Lanka are conducted on married women.
Due to
contraception not being used and the resultant pregnancy, many women and minors
have been abandoned and left to find shelter for themselves and their newly
born infants without any means by which to support themselves. Recall the
incident in which a desperate mother, with five children to feed and take care
of, who threw her new born child into the Kalu Ganga River. There are numerous
similar cases where newly born infants are disposed of in garbage bins,
abandoned on the wayside and even killed after birth. Most of these situations
could have been avoided if information about contraception, and the use of it
was more widespread.
It is for
this reason that one must take a broader, pragmatic view, not constrained to
theoretical religious and cultural ideologies, to create a space in which sex
can be spoken about freely- where correct and practical information is made
accessible to those who need it. It is both the duty of parents and schools to
see that this vital and possibly life-saving education is freely available.
Reform must be made to school syllabi to include a comprehensive and
objective insight into sex and contraception.
attitudes towards this topic and the action needed may make society seem more
functional and moral on a superficial level but would ignore, and potentially
exacerbate, the existing situation when a clear solution is readily available.
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