Nature’s payback

 Nature’s payback

Skies gray,

A lapse of green,

Grey, grey, grey,

Nature is prey.


Expecting pleasure,

When giving you nothing but pressure,

No heed to woes of thee,

No care to set you free.


We strive upon you,

We live on you,

Indebted in gratitude we should be,

Yet, we are still to pay thee.


Calamities from nowhere,

Unforeseen and affecting all and everywhere,

For we all are yet to learn,

We get back what we truly earn.


Disease, disaster, cataclysm

Who is answerable?

It is sad,

As it is us who were bad.


People dying,

Barely surviving,

Consequences of our acts,

Unfortunately, it is too late to draw pacts.


All is done,

This ends with a pun,

Pray all, pray,

For now, human is prey.



Tharindri Natasha De Alwis




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