No Place For Any Sort Of Sexual Harassment In Islam By Bilaal Marikar

                                 No Place For Any Sort Of Sexual Harassment In Islam  

The religion of Islam was revealed unto this world in an era of darkness, destruction, and chaos. During these times, not only in the Arabian Peninsula, but the entire world, women were mistreated, considered mere commodities. Islam served as, not only a beacon and guidance for humankind, but as a catalyst in the lives of women, transforming their status overnight. Rights of women, previously unheard of anywhere in the world, were being upheld and protected, and they were treated with the dignity and respect that should never have eradicated in the society in the first place.

This newly acquired status assisted Muslim women in stamping their mark in the history of Islam and the world itself, it gave birth to numerous female scholars, rulers, benefactresses,  jurists, businesswomen, legal experts and countless other professionals who contributed greatly towards the shaping of history.

The Holy Quran and the teachings of the Prophet (pbuh) have on countless occasions emphasised upon the importance of treating men and women equally.

And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women.” (2: 228)


How does Islam view Sexual Harassment?

In a religion which holds women in such high regard, in a position of great importance and reverence, Islam has a very stern approach towards sexual harassment of any sort and looks upon it with contempt.

If someone’s head among you is stabbed by the iron needle, it’s better for you rather then groping a woman who is not his own wife”

If you weltered with the pig covered in mud and dirt, it’s better for you rather than you lay on your shoulder to another woman’s shoulder who is not your wife.”

These are but a few of the Prophet’s warnings on sexual harassment, and these encapsulate the zero-tolerance policy that Islam holds on matters of this sort, on actions that can truly scar and traumatise an individual for life and invasion of their body.


How does Islam guarantees and ensures the protection of the rights, dignity, honour and status of women?

Islam does not allow the domination of men over women; in Islam a woman is completely self-regulating who has legal personality and who is able to enter into contract or can make bequest in her own name. She has right to perform any profession or business and has authority to dispose her property as like as men. She is entitled for inheritance in different capacity like as mother, as wife, as sister and as daughter. She has full freedom to select her husband and also allowed to her dower and maintenance. As the command of Islam to the men is to treat with compassion and full respect to their wives, women are respectable and honourable in Islam. A woman as mother has immense respect in Islam than any other person. The holy Quran in many verses commands Muslims to demonstrate respect to their mothers and serve them well. The Prophet (peace be upon him) states insistently that the rights of the mother are supreme. In Islam women are most respectable and honourable, “If she is a wife, she is life partner, if she is as a mother, the paradise is under the feet of mother, if she is daughter it is blessing of Almighty Allah.” 

The State Of Things Today

Averting our eyes from the pages of Islam and history and looking at the state of things today we are met with a situation where women must face various different obstacles. Most of these are owing to the cultures that have been built overtime and the false misinterpretations of the values of Islam. It is important and imperative that that these myths are debunked and that we speak up against these false values that we may see govern the lives of many.

It is our responsibility to stand up against the wrong, the evil, to do whatever is in our capacity. To create discussions that will leads to towards the problems of these deep-rooted issues and eventually contribute towards a safe and prosp


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